~Effects of Part Time Job On Society:

~With the development of our society, people’s lifestyle change from day
to day. It has become more common for people to have different part-time jobs.
Compared this trend with before, some people start wondering whether it is good or
bad for people to have many jobs at the same time. However, in my opinion, I think
part-time job is a double sides sword. It has its own advantages and disadvantages.
For some people, part-time jobs provide them an opportunity to do things they are
actually interested in. Also, it offers the possibility to earn more money at the same
time. But for other people, part-time jobs are time-consuming and they cost many
energy to do so many jobs at the same time period.
The most important advantage of part-time jobs is that they provide an
oppotunity for people to try different things. Taking my brother as an example,
he works in a bank as a teller, but he has seen many videos about bartender, so he
decides to be a bartender at night. This job extends his sight and provides him a
chance to fulfill his dream.
Speaking of dreams, part-time jobs also offer people a chance to earn more
money. Part-time jobs are the best path for someone who needed money. Although
it takes time, people could still benefit from the work they did. In our society, many
people take part-time jobs in order to make enough money to pay bills or pay for
their kids tuition.
However, as we all know, it takes time and energy to do so many jobs. This is the
most disadvantage of part-time jobs. People get tired and stressed because of their
work. They don’t have time with families. All they want to do is finishing the job and
sleep. If a father takes several part-time jobs, it may influence on his children. His
children may lack of love and they may become a workaholic person in the future.
Taking all these factors into account, we may draw a conclusion that part-time
can do good things in your life, but it can also destroy your time in life. We may have
to think about what are we pursuing in our lives before we bury into the work. Money
is important, but family and life are much worth for us. Time is not coming back.
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