
    ~ What Problems Do Women Face In Our           Society, How Can We Uplift The Status of                            Women In Pakistan”?

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“Women hold up half the sky at the same height as by men” (Mao). We are living in an Islamic society and Islam has given an equal status to both men and women. Still our society is male dominant. In the past before the rise of Islam, women had no rights. They were considered inferior to men. If we cast a look at our society, then we will come to know that the condition of women is the same as it was before Islam. Unlike other democratic countries, if we analyze women’s position in Pakistan then it will be seen that the women of Pakistan are facing a lot of problems. Most of our population resides in villages. The first problem which the village women face is that they are treated very harshly by their husbands, fathers and brothers. They have no freedom of thought, speech, expression etc. They are confined strictly to their homes. In our villages, literacy rate among women is very low. Even today the orthodox are against female education. They think it is a deadly sin to educate women. People think that women are fit only for domestic work. As our Prophet (P.B.U.H) said: “Seeking knowledge is the duty of every Muslim, man and woman” If in our society people are not advocating the education of women, it is not because of Islam but it is because of their traditions that they do not compromise. In villages, the women become victims of extremely cruel traditions like “swara”, which, means giving women to settle certain disputes and “kar-o-kari.” Another serious problem in our villages is marriage at a young age, just to get rid of their daughters and sisters, They just sell them to rich men even if they have no character but have money. If we look at the city, the women have fewer problems as compared to village women but still they face many problems. They struggle for their rights themselves: they don’t get any encouragement and support from their families. Sexual exploitation is another big problem for the women in Pakistan as is extreme violence. Although our government is trying its utmost for the betterment of women but until and unless the people are fully aware of women’s rights, the dream of a prosperous Pakistan will not come true. As it is said, “That society can never develop where the women are not given equal rights as those of men”. Recently the government of Pakistan has passed a bill of “Women Rights” and it is hoped that it will help our women a lot. It is the foremost duty of our government to educate the women of our villages and make them aware of their rights. We would like to finish our discussion with these remarks: “Modern world have banished the spinning wheel, the same law of progress makes the women of today different from her grandmother". Not clear at all what the saying means or how it is relevant. 


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