~Working Part-time Jobs:

~Part-time jobs are very common nowadays. I, myself, work part-time
since I have to go to school part-time as well. I think a lot of people
opt for working part-time because of time flexibility and we would still be
able to attend to other things that are important in our day to day
A clear advantage of having several part-time jobs is for people to be
developed in the different areas where they are working. If one has several
jobs, he or she will be able to meet several people and supervisors that
will expose them to different challenges and learnings. Another advantage of
having several part-time jobs, is an opportunity to find out what you really
want as an occupation in life. This may be a stepping stone for you to be
able to discover yourself more in terms of your abilities and skills. Lastly,
I think having several jobs will make you earn more money than having a
full-time job. This is because in a full-time job, you are only entitled for
a specific number of hours at work and sometimes, employers don’t give
overtime pays.
The disadvantage on the other hand, is that most of the part-time
jobs do not offer benefits to its employees. Also, you have to adjust with
your workmates from one workplace to another. It will also be difficult
if you have two or three jobs in a day and you don’t have your own car.
Commuting from one workplace to another can be very exhausting.
In conclusion, I would say that I’m in favor of having several parttime jobs rather than one full-time job. My decision is mainly in line with my
current situation. I need to go to school and at the same time, work for
my family. Having part-time jobs will be very beneficial for me since I can
arrange my schedule with my employer. Also, based on my own experience, I
enjoy meeting and working with people from different walks of life. I was
able to gain friends which I think is very essential to be able to adapt
easily in a country that is different from yours.
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